Md Rony Golder

I' m Marine Biol|


Mr. Golder is a Sessional Academic at Curtin University, , currently pursuing a Ph.D. in the School of Earth and Planetary Science. He is a member of the Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group (RSSRG) and his Ph.D. project is part of the ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS). With a research focus on ocean color remote sensing, coastal zone management, marine ecology, and biological oceanography, Mr. Golder has a strong academic and professional background. He completed his BSc degree in Fisheries (Honours) from Khulna University in Bangladesh in 2018 and obtained his MS degree in Coastal and Marine Science from the same university in 2020. During his academic journey, Mr. Golder was awarded the National Science and Technology (NST) fellowship from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Bangladesh. He also received the prestigious DAAD Scholarship to pursue his master's degree in Marine Biology at the University of Bremen in Germany.
Prior to his Ph.D. studies, Mr. Golder gained valuable research experience as a Research Associate and Research Assistant at Khulna University. His projects involved land use land cover change detection, coastal zone climate change analysis, and the analysis of spatial distribution of Chlorophyll-a and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) in the Bay of Bengal. He utilized various tools and software such as SeaDAS, R, ArcGIS, and Python for data collection, visualization, and analysis.
Mr. Golder's current Ph.D. project, as part of the ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS), allows him to further explore his research interests in the field of remote sensing and satellite research. His commitment, expertise, and dedication in the field of marine science continue to shape his academic and professional journey.

Marine Biologist | GIS Specialist | Oceanographer

  • Birthday: 12 November 1996
  • Website: Md Rony Golder
  • Phone: +61 (0) 480 465 172
  • City: Perth, Australia
  • Position: Casual Academic & PhD student
  • Highest Degree: Master of Science
  • Email: Primary
  • Email: University
  • Age: 28
  • Freelance: Available
  • PhD Supervisor: Dr. David Antoine
  • PhD Co-Supervisor: Dr. Peter Fearns
  • PhD Co-Supervisor: Dr. Alex Sen Gupta
  • PhD Co-Supervisor: Dr. Pete Strutton

Core Skills

  • Marine Biology
  • Fisheries
  • Ocean Color Remote Sensing
  • Hydrology
  • Environemntal Impact Assessment
  • Satellite Image Analysis
  • Data Analysis and Report Writing
  • Website Design
  • Spatial Data Analysis
  • GIS Mapping

Technical Skills

Programming Language

R 85%
Python 90%

Remote Sensing

SeaDAS 90%
SNAP 80%


ArcGIS Pro 85%
ArcGIS10.x 80%
QGIS 80%

Website Design

HTML 95%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 65%

Statistical Analysis

MS Excel95%


MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Publisher)100%
MS Project 95%



Md Rony Golder

Innovative, enthusiastic and deadline-driven Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist with 2+ years of professional experience in the field of ocean color remote sensing, deeply passionate about marine biology and ocean phenomenon

  • Gollamari, Khulna, Bangladesh
  • +880-1768 869984


Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Science

2022 - Present

Curtin University, Bentley WA 6102, Australia


2019 - 2020

Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh

CGPA: 3.83 (Distinction)

Merit Position: 1st class 1st


2015 - 2018

Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh

CGPA: 3.80 (Distinction)

Merit Position: 1st class 2nd

Online Courses

The Blue Economy: Blue Resource

January- March 2021

Offered by University of Seychelles

The Blue Economy - Creating an Enabling Environment

August- October 2020

Offered by University of Seychelles

Ocean Challenges and Solutions

April 2020

Offered by National Geographic

Adobe Illustrator - Mastering the Fundamentals

April 2020

Offered by Bohubrihi

View All Courses


Bengali: Native Language

English: Fluent,

IELTS (Overall) 6.5; (L-6.5, S-6.5, R-6, W-6)

Training and Workshops

Ocean Colour Remote Sensing –Data, Processing and Applications

25-29 November, 2019

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Using the Copernicus Marine Data Stream for Ocean Applications

May-June, 2020

Arranged by Copernicus Marine Service, Germany

Discovery and Use of Operational Ocean Data Products and Services

August, 2020

Arranged by INCOIS, India

NOAA CoastWatch Satellite Course

May, 2021

CoastWatch, NOAA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2023 - Present


ID: 1592744

ARC Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS)

2022 - Present


Total Oceanographic Society (TOS)

2022 - Present


ID: 18077

Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB)

2020 - Present


ID: 06-19-31743

KU fmrt alumni Association

2018 - Present


Work Experience

Causal Academic

Earth and Planetary Science School, Curtin University
July 2023 - Present

Perth, Australia

  • Conducting Sessional, Teaching, Field Trip
  • Small project supervision
  • Assignment and Marking


Fishereis and Marine Resource Technology, Khulna University
September 2021 - August 2022

Khulna, Bangladesh

  • Writing Review, Organizing workshop/Training
  • Land use land cover change detection using GIS
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem services assessment
  • Coastal vulnerability mapping


Khulna University Research Cell
August, 2020 - August 2021

Khulna, Bangladesh

  • Satellite data visualization & analysis with SeaDAS, R (Programming Language)
  • Ocean Current data collection and visualized with ArcGIS
  • Making graphs with the specific region (RStudio)
  • Ship-based sampling for in-situ data collection


Fisheries and Marine Resource Technology, Khulna University
July, 2019 – June, 2020

Khulna, Bangladesh

  • -Mapping of aquaculture hotspots near Khulna
  • Study area map for the Khulna City Corporation
  • Preparation of survey (socio-economic, geotechnical, environmental, traffic count, travel behavior etc.) location map from online (Kobo toolbox) survey data
  • Spatial analysis and visualization of survey data
  • Verifying aquaculture site through GPS system


WorldFish, Bangladesh
November, 2017 – September, 2018

Khulna, Bangladesh

  • Characterizing different carp and prawn nursing practices
  • Assessing their adaptability to the changing environment/weather cycles
  • Developing a business model for advanced nursing practice
  • Design Experiment, data collection, report writing, salinity adjustment, feeding

Ocean Cruises

Expedition To the Swatch of No Ground in the Bay of Bengal with BNS Surma

23-25 January, 2017

Arranged by Bangladesh Navy and Khulna University

Expedition To the edge of Bangladesh Maritime Boundary in the Bay of Bengal with BNS Turag

5-7 December, 2019

Arranged by Bangladesh Navy and Khulna University

Honour and award

ACEAS Travel Grant (AUD 1500)


For attending the ACEAS Research Forum (7-8 November)

Hobart, Tasmania

Curtin Research Engagement Grant (AUD 2500)


For attending the SOOS Symposium (14- 18 August)

Hobart, Tasmania

2nd Place winner (Prize money: €1500), Jupyter Notebook Competetion


Arranged by EUMETSAT, Copernicus ECMWF, Mercator Ocean International and the EEA

Curtin International Postgraduate Research Scholarship


Issued by Curtin University, Australia

DAAD Scholarship


Issued by German Academic Exchange Service, Germany

ISATEC Program, University of Bremen - Declined for Ph.D.

National Science and Technology Fellowship


Funded by Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

Merit Scholarship in Undergraduate Study


Funded by Life Science School, Khulna University

DBBL Scholarship


Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Secondary (1224) & Higher Secondary Level (1144)

Research and Publications

Published Papers (21)


  • Hosen, M., Alam, M., Chakraborty, T. & Golder, M.R. (2023). Monitoring spatiotemporal and seasonal variation of agricultural drought in Bangladesh using MODIS-derived vegetation health index. Journal of Earth System Science 132, 188 .

  • Shammi, A. T., Hassan, N., Golder, M.R., Molla, H., & Islam, S. S. (2023). Health status assessment of people adjacent to temporary waste disposal sites in Khulna city, Bangladesh. Heliyon, 9(9).

  • Fardoshi, T., Golder, M.R., Rouf, M. A., & Masud-Ul-Alam, M. (2023). Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Chlorophyll-a in Response to ENSO and Ocean Current in the Maritime Boundary of Bangladesh. Journal of Marine Sciences, 3(12), 2023.

  • Munia, T.T., Islam, H.M.R., Golder, M.R., Hossen, M.B., Banu, G.R., Islam, S.S. (2023). Response of Macrobrachium rosenbergii juvenile against a virulent isolate of Vibrio sp. from a diseased Penaeus monodon. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 35 (1), 1-12.


  • Rouf, M.A., Islam, M.J., Roknuzzaman, M., Siddiqui, M.N., Golder, M.R. (2022). Stratification pattern of dissolved oxygen and associated water parameters in the Pasur-Rupsha estuary of Bangladesh. e10935.

  • Bir, J., Golder, M.R., & Islam, S. S. (2022). Review on Invasive Alien Species (IAS): Challenge and Consequence to the Aquatic Ecosystem Services . Marine Science and Technology Bulletin , 11 (3) , 288-298.

  • Golder, M.R., Shammi, A.T. & Rouf, M. A. (2022). Enhanced Awareness to Coastal Ecology: Protecting Endangered Species of the Bay of Bengal. Oceanography & Fisheries Open Access Journal; 15(1): 555904.

  • Masud-Ul-Alam. M., Khan, M.A.I., Barrett,B.S., River-Calle, S.,Golder, M.R., Rouf, M.A. (2022). Spatial variation of the winter thermal inversion in the northern Bay of Bengal. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 53 (6), 102417.

  • Shuva, M.S.H., Golder, M.R., Rouf, M.A., Uddin, M.M., & Bir, J. (2022) Daytime and Nighttime Sea Surface Temperature (SST) along with Diurnal Variability (D-SST) in the Northern Bay of Bengal: A Remote Sensing Approach.Thalassas: An International journal of Marine Science

  • Islam, S.S., Golder, M.R., Bir, J., Mistry, S.K., Siddique, M.N.A., Ali, M.R., Sabbir, W., Azad, M.A.K., & Huq, K.A. (2022) Growth comparison of mono and mixed-sex giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii, De man) and stocking optimization of male monosex farming. Khulna University Studies. 33(2): 275-282.


  • Golder, M.R., , Zilany, M.A.K., Bir,J., Huq, K.A., Kabir, K.A., Mamun-Ur-Rashid, M., & Islam, S.S. (2021) Effect of different experimental diets and salinity on growth performance of Penaeus monodon. Bangladesh J. Fish. 33(2): 275-282.

  • Islam, M.R., Ali, M.Z., Hasanuzzaman, A.F.M., Golder, M.R. (2021) Effect of skip-feeding and re-feeding regimes on compensatory growth, body composition, feed utilization, feeding cost and survival of monosex tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in pond aquaculture system. Bangladesh J. Fish. 33(2): 225-233.

  • Bir, J., Golder, M.R., , Biswas,P., Tasrin, S., & Chowdhury, S.Z. (2021) Plastic pollution in an estuary: A preliminary study on the Rupsha river in southwestern Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Fish. 33(2): 295-304.

  • Rouf, M. A., Golder, M.R., & Afroje Z. (2021) Satellite-based observation of particulate organic carbon in the northern Bay of Bengal. Environmental Advance, Elsevier.

  • Rouf, M. A., Golder, M.R., ,Kana, N.A., Debnath, S., Rahman, M.M., Mathew, R.T & Alrashada, Y.N (2021). Production, Trading and Potential Utilization of Fish Scale in Khulna, Bangladesh. Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences. 9(12): 2194-2200.

  • Golder, M.R., Shuva, M.S.H., Rouf, M.A., Uddin, M.M., Bristy, S.K. & Bir, J. (2021) Chlorophyll- a, SST and particulate organic carbon in response to the cyclone Amphan in the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Earth System Science 130, 157.

  • Golder, M.R., & Rouf, M. A. (2021). Application of Ocean Color Remote Sensing for Managing the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh Maritime Journal, 5(1), 25–38


  • Bir, J., Golder, M.R., iswas, S. K., Islam, S. S., Kumar, R., & Huq, K. A. (2020). Application of probiotics and prebiotics for promoting growth of Tiger shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ): an approach to eco-friendly shrimp aquaculture. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 10(December), 15–20.

  • Bir, J., Das, R., Golder, M.R., Islam, S. S., Paul, P., E-mahfuj, S., Ghosh, A. K., & Huq, K. A. (2020). Growth performance and proximate composition of grey mullet Liza parsia at different salinities. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries, 32(2), 287–297.

  • Bir, J., Golder, M.R., & Khalil, S. M. I. (2020). Adaptation in extreme underwater vent ecosystem : A case study on Pompeii worm (Alvinella pompejana ). International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 7(3), 25–32.

  • Bir, J., Golder, M.R., Zobayer, F. Al, Das, K. K., Zaman, S., Das, L. M., & Paul, P. C. (2020). A review on blue economy in Bangladesh : prospects and challenges. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology, 7(4), 21–29.

Under Review

  • Islam, S. S., Nowshin R., Bir, J., Sarmin, S. S., Golder, M.R., & Zobayer, M. A.F. Impact of commercial probiotics on pro-phenoloxidase and superoxide dismutase enzyme activity, and growth of Macrobrachium rosenbergii cultured at different stocking densities. Aquaculture Report, Elsevier (Submitted-21 June 2023)

Peer-Reviewed Articles for:


  • MS Thesis: Seasonal and annual distribution of Particulate organic carbon (POC) in the Bay of Bengal using satellite imagery. (view online)

  • BSc Thesis: Effects of different experimental diets and salinity on growth performance of Penaeus monodon. (view online)


Dr. Muhammad Abdur Rouf
Professor and Head , Fishereis and Marine Resource Technology, Khulna University, Bangladesh
Mr. Golder is very sound in team work and has good leading capacity. I commend his talents and intellectual propensity and skills. He proved his capability of producing original thoughts and fulfilling the objectives in a research work. He is highly skilled in running various data management software’s like R studio, ODV, ArcGIS, SeaDAS, SPSS, Python (Jupyter notebook)”
Shikder Saiful Islam
Associate Professor , Fishereis and Marine Resource Technology, Khulna University, Bangladesh
Mr. Golder is as an independent researcher in respect of designing a basic and fundamental research according to a research questions. He is very sincere and praiseworthy in his assigned activities. I found him very active in analyzing research data and interpreting it for scientific publications.”
Joyanta Bir
Associate Professor , Fishereis and Marine Resource Technology, Khulna University, Bangladesh
” As a course teacher I have found, Mr. Golder is very enthusiastic and energetic to his work and research. He understands scientific processes and easily recognizes and use of theories, paradigms, concepts and principles, to design and undertake primary research within the context of the marine environment and marine biology.”


I have already completed several tasks related to GIS, Mapping, Spatial Analysis, Data Analysis in R & python and Report Writing, Website Design and Development. Let's explore my works.

  • All
  • GIS
  • Python
  • R
  • Web Development

Contact Me

Are you interested to work with me? Please feel free to contact.


7 Barnston Way, Langford-6147, WA, Austrlia


+61 (0) 480 465 172